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ARHS Spikeseed
artificial intelligence blog.

Discover the latest innovations in artificial intelligence.

  • Nicolas Ferré

    Smart parking management with AWS IoT

    Monitoring a parking lot can be accomplished using various methods. While dedicated installations and sensors are one option, modern approaches can leverage machine learning, cloud and IoT technologies to implement...

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  • Nicolas Ferré

    Take control of your data with Generative AI

    In recent years, generative AI has created a revolution in the industry by enabling a new range of use cases that were very difficult to automate in the past. One...

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  • Lionel Weicker

    TinyML, the Next (Big) Thing

    In the expansive landscape of machine learning, where attention often gravitates towards the Large Language Models (LLMs), a quiet revolution is underway — the ascent of TinyML. In stark contrast...

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  • Gilles Habran

    Data pipelines with Databricks Delta Live Tables

    In the world of big data and analytics, being able to efficiently process a large amount of data and drive informed decision-making is a great advantage for data driven companies....

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  • Jeremy Combe

    On-Prem text translation from Luxembourgish to English

    In this post, we will delve into the available solutions for translating Luxembourgish text to English.

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  • Lionel Weicker

    Embark on a Tetris Adventure with AI

    In 2023, Arhs Spikeseed seized the exciting opportunity to participate in Voxxed Days Luxembourg, a renowned technology conference in Luxembourg. Our stand aimed to captivate attendees by showcasing innovative projects,...

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